Skate Park Map Deck
Skateboarding is a large and growing culture these days and Oregon has been expanding the culture by building skateparks all over. The idea of my project is to link skaters to these parks by making a skateboard design that will map out the parks in an infographic form.
My project will consist of an inforgraph mapping out skate parks in Oregon (beyond?) and then make one or a set of skateboard decks with my design on them. This will either be done with a laser cutter or find a company online that will put my design on a deck. I am also planning on expanding on this by making a spray paint stencil to make shirts. I'm choosing spray paint instead of other methods is because it's part of the skating culture. I hope to come up with at least one more piece to go with this, possibly a photo shoot of someone skating with my board.
Infograph Map
Skateboard w/ infograph
T-shirt w/ stencil
Photo shoot