Presentation/ Research

The births, marriages and deaths of London's digital creative agencies
I really like the project in this link because the infograph map has a great design that is similar to what direction I would like to go with my project.  
In this link the website did a open project for people to send in skateboard designs and the winning design would be made into a skateboard.  Since I would like to design a skateboard I found this project interesting.
When I first saw this project it really stood out at me because of how simple the design is but how strong it is.  You can easily compare the different expenses and it looks good.  I also like how colorful it is, and would like to use a good amount of color in my project.
This is the website where I got the first link in this presentation and I'm posting it because it has many infograph maps that I like and could help influence me when I'm making mine.
I found this project on and I thought it went well with what I want to do with a skateboard, and i think its a cool idea the way this artist made 3 different designs on decks and then combined them all for a forth deck.